Bem vindos ao meu espaço

Poderia chamar esse lugar de meu lar. Aqui é a casa de meus sentimentos mais obscuros. Aqueles que muitas pessoas escondem, dos quais muitos têm vergonha, e que todos possuem.
Pois eu os mostro aqui a vocês, e provo que os piores sentimentos podem ser transformados em inspiração para as palavras mais belas.
Ana Luiza - FOLLOW ME

22 de dez. de 2013

Weary Way

Can you hear me?
I’ve got no place to go
And it hurts like never before
I feel like I could be dying.
Yet I go on alive
And burning

I’ve been fighting for so long
And I thought I could rest my head on one’s shoulder for a while
Yet I go on in battle
And burning

I’ve got no place to hide
And no choice but to fight

I feel like I could be down
Yet I always end up rising again
Carrying the same old burden
Through the same weary way

The same bitter tears
The same old enemies
I tried to ask for help
‘’Come back to me’’

Yet there was no one to listen

8 de out. de 2013

A Song For The Knight

From this dark corridors I whisper
You are here now, you are safe
I’ve let you in

May you rest your head upon my shoulder
May this place’s gloomy lullabies calm you
These hard walls give you shelter
May you no longer feel lost
And may you keep no doubt

For now you can hear this voice
Calling you back to the place you once found
I am here now
Will you let me in?

There’s so much you haven’t yet seen
So why are you taking back your wings?
Just listen
There is a song for you
In each corridor
In each silent whisper
In the words I’ve never said

Yet I pray
You would listen

14 de dez. de 2012

Too young to be that sick
Too young to be that bitter

Take me away from me
Far from my desease

Their rage is infecting me, can't you heal me?
Can't you take me back home?
A place where I belong
I've been waiting, I've been searching

They can't feel the death coming slowly
But I see and I listen
I know everything
And it still hurts
They don't want to tell me, but it always will

They can't see the monster growing
But I feel and I listen
I've seen everything
And it still hurts
Would you save me?

14 de set. de 2012

Awaken Me

Everything I can do, everything I can be
I’m asleep
Awaken me

Hear me screaming underneath
The fire is burning me
Can you hear it?

I’ve been fighting for so long
And I have always won
Bend me to my knees
Bleed me

And then call my name
Heal my wounds and my soul
Save me

Make me scream the cruel words I never dared to whisper
Show the monster to the light
Kill its hunger in your delight
Take me to the wrong path and be my guide (for all this time I’ve been blind)

I’ve been lost in here for so long
Create a place where I belong

Awaken me

7 de ago. de 2012

No dourado

Através de tua cura encontrarei minha redenção
Criança de luz, guia-me
Por tua dor, por minha escuridão

Através de tua dor conhecerei meu caminho
Meu propósito, meu destino
Então não serei em vão

Criança de luz, salva-me
Quando eu te estender minha mão

Criança de luz, envolve-me
Que eu te ninarei,
Que te protegerei
Ilumina-me e eu te mostrarei

Completa-me e te completarei
Emana-me tua luz dourada que minha lua brilha neste escuro
E a reflete de volta para ti

Que o fogo que queima se torne calor que nos aquece
Que nossa dor seja chama que esmorece
Enquanto nos consome e nos ensina
Nos molda para a vida
Que haveremos de merecer

Crianças de luz perdidas no escuro
Somos eu e você

5 de ago. de 2012

Last time

Like a lost child
Looking for a hand to lead me back into the light I've lost so long ago
Agonizing in pain
While this poison runs trough my veins

Like a lost child with no place to hide
From the monsters inside my mind
Being raped by the violence outside

One more peace ripped off my heart
I wouldnt dare asking you to save me
I never could

"Close your eyes, take a deep breath. It's all safe now. It's all right"
And I believed, one more time
Because a child is fool
A child needs lies

17 de jun. de 2012

Last Breath

I guess it’s over
Nowhere I can run anymore
Only the monsters
And the darkness that has always been

I know it’s useless
As many times as I try to run
They are already inside me
Behind my back when I turn

I am the only one who sees
Does it mean they don’t exist?
Why then can they hurt me?
Why do they laugh while I bleed?

I guess it’s over
All the colors I used to scape
The colors of my favorite place
I guess it’s over

And that voice is slowly being silenced
No more telling me to fight them
No more telling me I still can scape
I guess it’s over

Hush now, little rose
They will cut you if your thorns hurt them
While they tear your petals away

31 de mar. de 2012

Lost in the Void

Scars of an ancient curse
Washing my heart in rotten blood
Why does it still hurt?

I know this punnishment from long ago
Rejecting all kind of salvation, everyone
I knew I wouldn’t have it when I wished for someone

And when the wide dark ocean appeared in front of my eyes
When I wished I could spread my wings and help a wolf to fly
Then I new, “I’m the one who’s gonna ache tonight”

Now I bleed for everyone I’ve killed
Looking at a light so close to me
But never touching it
Never feeling it’s warmth in my finger tips
Scars of an ancient curse
Washing my heart in rotten blood
I know this punnishment from long ago
But why does it still hurt?

Those innocent times
When I would leave everything behind
Screaming to the Gods that I didn’t want to die

They taught me to let it go
For I was made to grieve alone
Until I remember where I lost my soul

Until I remeber my way home

7 de fev. de 2012

Do objetivo deste blog

Olá queridos seguidores e leitores randonicos.

Certos comentários espalhados por aqui, de pessoas diferentes e em posts diferentes, me fizeram perceber que eu realmente nunca deixei claro o objetivo deste blog. E creio que isto está se fazendo necessário neste momento.

Em primeiro lugar, SIM, toda a opinião é bem vinda aqui. É por isso que o campo de comentários é aberto a todos, inclusive a anônimos, já que as pessoas tendem a ser muito mais sinceras quando não identificadas (triste)


Eu aqui não procuro a aprovação de ninguém. Muito pelo contrário. Este blog é exatamente como os trolhões de cadernos que eu tenho espalhados por minhas bolsas e meus armários. Eu simplesmente escrevo o que eu não consigo falar. Como algumas pessoas acabam lendo e gostando, eu (há um bom tempo) decidi colocar em um lugar onde pode-se ler sempre que se tiver vontade.
E é por isso que a divulgação dessa página é praticamente nula. Os posts são totalmente despretensiosos e o objetivo é simplesmente o desabafo.

Assim como também não procuro aqui nenhum tipo de elevação artística. Com isso quero dizer: Eu simplesmente vomito algo que eventualmente está me atordoando. Sem me preocupar com métricas, rimas, palavras pomposas ou simples. Ou seja, comentários do tipo 'poderia estar melhor' não fazem o mínimo sentido.

E, acreditem ou não, existem pessoas que escrevem poemas melancólicos e obscuros com pura sinceridade. Nem todos nós somos posers pré adolescentes tentando pagar de problemáticos suicidas :)
Eu vou fazer vinte anos e, se nunca fui assim em minha pré adolescência, não é agora que vou ser.
Sou apenas uma pessoa hiper sensível e um pouco 'devaneante' de mais. Por isso eu prefiro escrever ao invés de ficar chorando e arrancando os cabelos na frente de todo mundo.

Ainda assim, é possível que disso saia algo que preste, que seja de leitura prazerosa para algumas pessoas, e isso me deixa muito feliz.

Por isso sou grata a quem passa regularmente por aqui, e aos meus 36 insanos seguidores que foram brotando durante esses anos. Sou grata a quem sempre me pede posts novos e a todos que surtam toda a vez que e falo em deletar esse blog. Se não fosse por vocês eu já teria feito isso há tempos haha

Muito obrigada a todos que tiveram a paciência de ler até aqui. Continuem deixando seus pedidos e opiniões ou apenas lendo.

Aos poucos nós perdemos o medo de expor o que realmente sentimos para todo mundo ver. E, na minha opinião, esse é o lado mais lindo do ser humano.

Still hurts

All of my monsters chasing me again
Indeed, I've never stoped ruuning from them
From what's within me

I'm burning
Can't you see?
How much longer will I wait in here?

I'm dying
Can't you see?
It is all true, even if I try to decieve

They tell me I'm lying while I bleed
Tell me there can't be someone like me
You don't understand what you see
So go ahead and try to destroy it

Their world will be safe, while mine is fading away
They can be happier if they don't see my pain

But I'm still burning
And it still hurts when I remember
I'm still dying
And I've never been able to see through this winter

It still hurts when I look back
And I still can't see what's ahead
But I keep going
If I stop they will devour me

And as I walk into this nothingnes
It still hurts when I remember

I will never get healed from this fever

And, as I walk through this nightmare
I can't help hoping, one day
I will run unto your arms while I run from myself

24 de dez. de 2011

Lost Angel

In my mind, I've been seeking you
In the dark, like I always do
Fallen angel, you are long lost
And I don't even know who you are anymore

But all those lies
They saved me a hundred times
And, somehow, you were always there
Hurt eyes, staring me in my moments of despair

Although I know you can't see me
And although I know you can't hear me
I sing for you to myself
Lost angel, are you there?

If you are, please don't come
Spread your wings and fly away
Forget all the promises we made
In a place where I can never hurt you again

14 de set. de 2011

The Outcast's Agony

What you feel
Is it real? - at all?

My feet don't touch the ground
The sun can't burn my skin
Oh, this life we're living
I need much more than this

I want much more than this
I need much more than this
I can't feel satisfied
I can't feel complete

All this pale collors
All this fake feelings
We are not alive
No, we're not in peace

You - are - not- sincere

I want much more than this
I need much more than this
I can't feel satisfied
I can't feel complete

Seeking for something to free me from my pain
But could I live without it? I'm afraid
Constantly agonizing, screaming in vain
Moving on, coming back, and again

I want much more than this
I need much more than this
I can't feel satisfied
I can't feel complete

And you can't save me

21 de jun. de 2011

Too late

Too late to say anything
Too late to regret what you've done to me
Too late to regret never listening
To regret you never even tried to see

The blood is already running (it's been a while)
and you weren't here to stop me
But don't feel bad
I can finally free all my tears

Too late to ask what happened
Too late to say that I mattered
Too late to apologize
But maybe still in time to say goodbye

That's okay
I never wanted to be a burden
And now I can finally ease my pain
Don't ask me to stay, it's too late

It's too late to remember all the signs I gave
Even too late to finally understand
I'm going, I'm gone
There is no one

It is too late to cry for me.

13 de jun. de 2011


Esgoto-me de repetir as mesmas velhas palavras
De novo e de novo
Mas não há nada de diferente a se dizer
Presa em um ciclo vicioso

O mesmo sofrimento
Em diferentes palavras e idades
Em diferentes línguas e maneiras
Em diferentes graus e maturidades

Mas tudo continua exatamente igual
Ando arrastando as mesmas correntes
Sangro das mesmas feridas
Chorando as mesmas agonias

Percorro o caminho de pedras e espinhos
Esperando encontrar as pétalas no fim
Quando há este fim de chegar?
Espero e caminho, não posso trazê-lo até mim
Espero e caminho, até que tudo esteja escuro, enfim

Os gritos de desespero jogados ao abismo
Hão de retornar
Quando já não estiver aqui
Alguém há de escutar

Alguém há de se lembrar que não fui toda dor
E que existiu alguém vivo onde hoje eu estou
Que houveram desejos e pedidos negados
Antes do silencio
Que houve riso antes dos tantos choros amargos

E as palavras que ninguém leu
Hão de ser a chave para desvendar
Tudo aquilo que havia por trás do silencio
De alguém que hoje já não pode mais falar.
De alguém que sobreviveu da dor
Como pessoas sobrevivem de ar
Pois foi tudo que restou
Ao condor que nunca voou

17 de abr. de 2011

Estranho Mundo

E não há nada que não seja o vazio
Mais uma vez
O que me faz correr atrás de um abrigo
Cega e desesperadamente
Mesmo que seja falso
Mesmo que seja proibido

Este que me corrói
Enquanto as lágrimas me inundam olhos e face
E o vácuo destrói meu interior
Quando cada pensamento dói

Dor agonizante
Quem mais poderia entender além de quem sente?
Nada sabe
Nada entende da dor
Aquele que contempla os olhos de quem mente

Já não estou
Já não sou aquele que um dia fui
Morto pelas algemas que me sufocaram pouco a pouco
Morto pelo desgosto

E a cada vez que abro os olhos tento reviver
E a cada vez que os abro me sinto morrer
Mais um pedaço de mim que se vai
Mas um pedaço de mim que se esvai

O que entende da dor aquele que a vê? Que a Le?
Uma letra não é uma cicatriz
Um parágrafo não é a ferida que sangra
Apenas o retrato...
Uma sombra da dor que este emana

Permita-me dormir
Permita-me, eu imploro, saber o que há além daqui

17 de mar. de 2011


Thousands of times I've tried to run
I've been burning and drowning all at once
I've prayed and cursed for this to stop
Promised not let hope grow anymore

However, I'm stil here
Fighting against agony and fear
Blindly fighting against unknow enemies
Sufocating inside my own selfishness

Consumed by my emptiness
This deep hole inside my heart keeps burning
I can try to shut my eyes to my loneliness
But I cant fool myself for much longer

How much more will it take before I succumb forever?
How many times will I wake without a dream to tell?
You say my tears are fascinating
I'm under a curse, not a spell

And this pain that eats away
It's all I have
I become pathetically lost without that

So, please, dont kill it away
It's all that I live for
You will save me simply getting me in your arms when I fall

31 de jan. de 2011


Rasga-me a garganta, dor maldita contida
Faz-me morrer mil vezes de agonia
Mostra-me o quão estou longe
E que tudo o que me resta é o lamento lúgubre

Rasga-me a alma, dor maldita contida
Enquanto a realidade se mostra em seu veneno
Destruindo, apodrecendo, maltratando e corroendo
Tudo o que um dia poeria ter sido

Deixe que o sangue escorra mil vezes em minha mente
E que mil escapatórias se pintem debilmente
Que um sorriso traga a esperança
Que eu caia agonizante novamente

O silêncio absoluto corroendo-me a sanidade
Dando espaço às vozes assassinas em minha mente
Mas são as únicas que eu tenho
Únicas companhias, e únicas que eu temo

Sem que qualquer um saiba ou o queira fazer
Grito ao vácuo mais uma vez
O maior medo continua a se concretizar
Minha vida se tornando um eterno talvez...

2 de jan. de 2011

The Only Real

Nothing touches me
Your smile,every empty word you keep saying
For I do not belong in here

I wanted to feel darkness falling over me
Cause the light showing everything keeps hurting
And I thought without that I could have some peace

Nothing satisfies me
Not even your warm touch on my cold skin
Because I cannot feel anything
I'm named the ice princess and I wont ask you to save me

Not this time
Leave me alone in the dark
Because that's where I was born
and that's where I'm suposed to die
Selfish creatures do not deserve the light

Do not say you can save me
Without knowing what poison runs trhough my veins
It kills me
When they look at me as I was someone they should tame

I am not sick
I'm the only real in a world of insanes

15 de nov. de 2010

Pandora's Agony

I can’t stop regretting
All I’ve done was to harm myself
I can’t stop regretting
Since the first day I am waiting for the end

I can’t stop regretting of all the evil in the world
I can’t stop regretting of each small step I took in this way
I can’t stop regretting of waiting for the one
And can’t stop regretting believing in an end for my pain

How can I be so tired and hopeless?
Why does it hurt when I open my eyes?
How can everything seem so extremely senseless?
Will I have to wait patiently while all the good in me dies?

It hurts every time I look back
Yet I can’t find anything I would change
In the end, I couldn’t live without my pain
And I hold on to the painful memories
As if it would be even worse without them
Only emptiness, all I have

Can’t stop regretting everything I have done
Even while I was doing I knew I was doing wrong
Yet doesn’t matter how much I try
I will never know how it is to do right

A curse or just destiny
I fear I will never know
I just know that, while my end doesnt come
All I cand do is go on
Bringing disgrace to my world...

11 de out. de 2010


Any place to run to
Those tears are not there
They are here
My biggest fear
Is to be here now

The more I scream
More silence I hear
Around me

My glass cage has become the only place
And I got so used to the pain
I can barely feel anything else. Anymore.

My biggest fear is belonging in here.

All all of you say sounds so fake and meaningless
Although I tried to believe
Although I tried to achieve
Although I tried to live
I tried.
I tried not to cry

My glass cage has become the only place
And I got so used to the pain
I can barely feel my wings. Anymore.

Any place to run to
Those tears are not there
They are here
My biggest fear
Is to be here now

My biggest fear Is belonging in here

My glass cage has become the only place
And I got so used to the pain
I cannot escape. Anymore.

6 de ago. de 2010

Canção do Exílio

dedicado à Katrina de Salém

Arrastei-me e sangrei
Implorei-te e chorei
Leva-me de volta
Aos braços daquele que jamais encontrei
Anos recebendo o silêncio
Agora eu sei

Em meio a cinzas e podridão me ergo
Se esta é minha sina, aceito
Farei deste inferno minha casa
E desta sujeira meu leito

Canto a canção do exílio
Sabendo que jamais retornarei
Fui abandonada em um mundo estranho
“Mate para viver” “Obedeça a esta lei”

Enquanto eles me prendem ao chão
Penso se devo deixar que algo daqui me toque
Ou somente refugiar-me em solidão
Fora do lugar, sem rumo
Entregue à minha própria sorte

Seco a lágrima amarga
Sentindo-me culpada por perder a fé
Pai presente e calado
Disseste-me coisas que não pude entender

Seco a lágrima amarga
Sentindo-me culpada por não saber
Por que fui deixada, expulsa
Por que dói tanto apenas sobreviver

Olho para este céu de estrelas encobertas
Mais solitária que meu coração poderia algum dia suportar
Enquanto sinto a dor dilacerando o peito
Eu sei que, apesar de tudo
Ainda tenho a esperança de retornar
Àquele lugar que, tenho certeza, algum dia chamei de lar

23 de jul. de 2010

In a Friday Morning

As if life was simple
No more masks to show
No more lies to grow
As if live was simple

As if life was simple
I forget everything that hurts me
and open my eyes in a sincere smile
As if live was simple

As if I could pretend there's nothing wrong
Anything else to get done
Happines is in the next door
As if life was simple

All masks falling down
All lies forget in the past
Cause there's anymore trouble in being just myself
I open my eyes with a sincere smile
As if live was simple

Cause you can't imagine
How peaceful it is
When we're all together
As if we had nothing to say
Anymore hiding pains
As if live was simple

14 de jul. de 2010

Not Enough

I look around
I search for
I take a breath
A tear falls

Nowhere feels like home
No place feels like mine
And I am just too tired
To keep looking for a reason why

And this hole in my heart
Why does it still hurt?
Why does it still burn?
And why are so heavy, my tears?
I thought my life had had a turn

Why in the end we have to go back to the beginning?

Why suddenly I am bleeding again?
I fall in my knees, a piercing pain
I just can’t breath, it all again

And in the end (so fool)
I still wait
For someone who could save
This dead princess from a killing pain

And this hole in my heart
Why does it still hurt?
Why does it still burn?
And why are so heavy, my tears?
I thought my life had had a turn

I just don’t have enough words
Or a enough heavy one
And in each end I’m always sure
The world will never know
How much it hurts

2 de jul. de 2010


You fucking hate me
Because I look so dead
You don’t remember
You killed me yourself

You made me this
You hate all you did
And all this hate is
A result
Of your power of destruction

Look behind and remember
Tell me a day
When you weren’t this monster
You know you have become

All your hate comes from
The fact that you know
What I look outside
Is inside of you so
Much more then you could show

I show
I know
Who I am

Look behind and remember
Tell me a day
When you weren’t this monster
You know you have become

Your colorful clothes
Can’t hide
You are so rotten inside

All this mourning and pain
You hate
Because it’s just something you made

Your blissful smile
Can’t hide
You are so rammish inside

You are afraid of what you could see inside of yourself
You are afraid of what I could show, I know
But I am not
I am fearless

I show
I know
Who I am

I show
I know
Who you are

13 de jun. de 2010

Deep Agony

You cannot imagine
How it is to live in agony
Every second
Without a time to breath
You cannot imagine how it is to never rest in peace

Looking inside myself
For something that shows me I'm still alive
I find only loneliness
Not a tear to cry

And it doesn't matter
Doesn't matter the voices around me
I am still alone
I will always be
Nowhere feels like home
Doesn't matter if you say I can choose
The pain is still here
It has consumed me

And I am empty
Not knowing what I am

Could you understand?
Could anyone else take this pain?

And I feel so sick
I feel like giving up
Feel like I am falling
So heavy, feelig worse

You cannot imagine
How it is to be here
An eternity locking myself inside of me

Trying to see through the dark
I am so tired
Looking for a reason why
I am so blind
No more trying to ignore
I am so lost

You cannot imagine
How it is to be bleeding
Every second
Without a chance to be me
You cannot imagine how it is to never rest in peace

If I could just say
How deep is this ache
If I could just cry
And make it go away...

25 de mai. de 2010

The Thorns

Do not get closer
Do not touch the rose
When I tell you to be aware
I know you will get hurt

Hipnotized by the velvet red and danger
One more step you take
Wanting to be close
Just because it's so far away
Bad reasons
Bad end

And don't try to dry my tears
You will end up poisoning
All the beautful things
You could find on it

Do not touch the rose
As pretty as it can be
Do not get any closer
As tempting it may seem
Don't try too hard to be the one
The fragile bridge can come undone

And when you see your blood staining the thorns
It will be too late
I will just say 'I told you'
And sadly get away

24 de mai. de 2010


Once again
It all again
I see the blood
I feel the pain
Stop it
Stop it
Just make it go away

I wish
I wish I could breath
I wish I could feel
Something beyond that agony
That makes me fall in my knees
Every single time I see
What really is around me

The nothing

It burns my throat
But I can’t cry
It would just show
That slowly I die

It burns my throat
But I’ll just lie
I won’t let them know
I’m too tired to try

And I’ll wait for the day
I’ll feel alive in the right way
Not just because of the pain
Not just because of the pain I feel
When I realize the most precious things aren’t real

Could you one day
Just show up and kill the pain?

Kiss my lips and say good night
Lead me to bed
I don’t want to wake up
I don’t want to cry
Calling the name of the one
I will never have in my arms

12 de mai. de 2010

Olá, seres humanos leitores deste blog. Estou passando para uma breve observação.
 Sim, a boca das fotos ao lado que agora ilustram os dois blogs é minha. O efeito maravilhoso foi adicionado pela Sofia, que além de ser ótima com as fotos se revela igualmente talentosa na escrita. Seu blog está na lista, ao lado direito do blog, aproveitem. Ela também acrescentou a moldura na foto original, a de baixo, que acabou ficando com esse efeito de pele branca simplesmente por um defeito na minha webcam.

Gostaram? Procurem o blog da Sofia aí em baixo e falem com ela.
 Até o próximo post.

3 de mai. de 2010


Lutando contra o medo
De ser consumida, lentamente, pelo silêncio
Enquanto arrasto, dolorosamente, correntes
A dor em meu peito

Lutando contra o medo
De ser consumida, lentamente, pela maré que me arrasta
Fincando meu pé, firmemente, me recuso a ser a caça
O peso em meu peito

Por mais que doa, permanecerei aqui
Se apenas me deixar levar é o antídoto para a dor
Que me consuma, então
Aceitarei o que vier, seja o que for

Mas jamais vestirei de bom grado
As algemas, as correntes que arrasto
Tentar quebrá-las machuca
Deixe me sangrar
Ainda há a chama, a fé
De que um dia isso tudo vai cessar

Os abultres me rodeiam
Minha carne não os alimentará
Os abultres me rodeiam
Aguarde, eternamente
Minha alma me pertence e assim será
Até o fim da vida
Manterei a minha mente
A única coisa que ainda me pertence

A dor jamais fará sentido para quem não a sente
O grito não pode ser entendido por quem não possui ouvidos
Carregarei comigo
A maldição de viver entre os malditos

A solidão presente em cada momento
Olhar em volta e ver chega a doer por dentro (eu sangro)
Carregarei comigo
A maldição de viver entre os malditos

E não há o que possa ser dito
Nada vai mudar
Sou apenas mais um, entre os tantos aflitos
Nada que possa ser dito
Carregarei comigo
A maldição de viver entre os malditos

4 de abr. de 2010

Still Waiting

So lost and so empty
Trying to stay alive
And I am still waiting
For the tears I should cry

For the anger I should show out loud
I should scream
I’m still waiting

And a strange idea comes to my mind
That I should stop waiting and start to try
That I should stop crying and start to fight

But then I look down and see
My broken wings
The chains in my bloody ankles
And I fall in my knees

Cause I should be young and free
Yeah I should be young and free
I can’t help this tear
Cause I should be young and free

For the anger I should show out loud
I should scream
I’m still waiting

Solitary and fool
Waiting for someone
To put music on her desperate songs
And give a voice to these silent pains
Be alive in so many different ways

Cause I should be young and free
Yeah I should be young and free
I can’t help this tear
Cause I should be young and free

I’m still waiting